The unacceptability of the Irish accent in the European Union

Ireland is now the largest of the two English speaking countries in the EU with 7 million speakers north and south. Malta is second with 400k speakers. This however, is not good enough for our European neighbours who seem to favour UK and US English speakers above all others even though their exposure to English speakers now come from either working in Ireland or taking Europe's biggest airline Ryanair.

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But the Irish are British and you voted to leave the EU

I cannot believe this is a thing. It is so unbelievable when it happens and it happens a lot.

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Living as an Irish citizen in post-Brexit Schengen countries of the EU.

This is a short guide to beating European bureaucracy based on bitter experience as an Irish citizen attempting to live in the Kafkaesque post Brexit EU 27.

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Retro Letraset video (not the Dodge) below

Retro Letraset

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Love this idea

Writing in the air

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Budapest Botanical gardens

The bots

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Slideshow test

testing slideshows

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The Cardigans

Wear cardigans

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Google doc

Link to a test doc

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Notion stuff

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Jon Stewart is back

Jon Stewart is back

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Adding pictures

Adding pictures

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Testing mastodon embed

Mastodon embed

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Testing podcast embed

Podcast embed

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Testing Youtube clips

Testing clips

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Nando takeaway

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Testing the pixelfed embed

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The aesthetic of this youtube account

So many tapes and so much good music.

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34 Years of Mind Mapping: From Scraps to Software (and Back Again?)

All 490 maps posted on Notion

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80/20 key concepts

Spend less time with the kids

What a misunderstanding

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Trip to Zagreb in Croatia


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Win at the slowest possible speed

1500m of well executed total confusion for everyone else and a planned 1-2 for the winners.  Hands down the most impressive tactics I have ever seen in any sport.

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